Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School

Joplin, MO


Joplin, MO

Through a dedication to academic excellence, Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School stands accountable for educating students to make the most of their abilities.

The School educates students to acquire and refine essential academic knowledge and skills; cultivate an appreciation of the arts; develop lifelong fitness skills; assume responsibility for their behavior; seek out challenge, welcome criticism, test new capacities; practice self-discipline; and find joy in learning.

The school brings students together with teachers who exemplify intellectual curiosity, a dedication to truth, and the advantages of living the examined life.


As the Board seeks its next Head of School, it recognizes the need for a dynamic leader who is passionate about educating students, being a part of the TJ community, and shaping the school’s future while ensuring its faithfulness to its founding Mission. The school enjoys an excellent academic reputation and is known for a strong sense of mission and vision. The next head of school will steward a good and healthy school while championing the school in the larger community.


Interested candidates should provide a résumé, cover letter highlighting their interest in and qualifications for the position, leadership philosophy and a list of five (5) professional references with contact information, as a single PDF attachment. These materials should be sent to the consultant listed below.

Candidates will be evaluated as received.

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